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May 2014 English Swedish translation

Meaning "stylish" is from 1944, hepster slang, from earlier general slang sense of "excellent" (1940). Phrase sharp as a tack first recorded 1912 (sharp as a needle has been around since Old English). Sharp-shinned attested from 1704 of persons, 1813 of hawks. Sharp Cookie Advisors är affärsjuristerna som gör det snabbt, enkelt och prisvärt för dig att få det stöd du behöver för att utveckla och skydda ditt företag.

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Synonyms for Sharp Cookie (other words and phrases for Sharp Cookie). What does sharp-cookie mean? (idiomatic) One who is intelligent, bright, or sharp; especially, one who can identify attempts to deceive or mislead. Sharp Cookie, Austin, Texas. 532 likes. Custom crafted cookies made in Austin, Texas. Sharp Cookie, Kharagpur.

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Avtagbart-overdrag-sharp-till-spring-madrass-567140577, sökresultat Overdrag Madrass på Renoveringsbloggen. Origin and Etymology of madrassa. Avtagbart-overdrag-sharp-till-spring-madrass-567140577, sökresultat på Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.

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Adjective. Tough cookie - A tough cookie is a person who will do everything necessary to achieve what they want.

Sharp cookie etymology

tusen tack (Swedish) Origin by tack definition: 1. a small, sharp nail with a flat end 2. a long,  The origin of this traditional festival is somewhat obscure, but there is some chopped chives, hard sharp cheese, and sometimes boiled eggs. tough/TPGYSD. toughen/dS.
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to cause a sharp, smarting pain. insect sting see insect bites and stings. History and Etymology for stang.

Etymology unknown.
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Later, cookie became a slang word, referring to a person or an alluring young woman, according to (Though “cookie” is used to refer to both women and men today.) This slang word has been used since 1920, according to the Online Etymology Dictionary in phrases like “smart cookie” and “tough cookie.” Smart Cookie Coined by English writer and politician Horace Walpole in 1754 based on the Persian story of The Three Princes of Serendip, who (Walpole wrote to a friend) were “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. Sharp definition is - adapted to cutting or piercing: such as.

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Origin and Etymology of madrassa. Yummy  Avtagbart-overdrag-sharp-till-spring-madrass-567140577, sökresultat på Renoveringsbloggen. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Avtagbart-overdrag-sharp-till-spring-madrass-567140577, sökresultat på Renoveringsbloggen. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Grind without any grinding experience – and always produce a sharp result.

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This is a Sharp port of @defaultnamehere's cookie-crimes module - full credit for their awesome work! This C# project will dump cookies for all sites, even those with httpOnly/secure/session flags. Usage. Simply run the binary.

2. An unexamined   Eagle-eyed readers may by now have spotted the origin of 'BV' in 'BVB'.