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Z těla odstupují: z horní ventrální části párové alae minores; od boků párové alae majores; ze zadní dolní strany párové výběžky processus pterygoidei. Start studying Os sphenoidale. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. os sphenoidale - Meaning in Punjabi, what is meaning of os sphenoidale in Punjabi dictionary, pronunciation, synonyms and definitions of os sphenoidale in Punjabi and English. 2018-02-12 · The sphenoid bone, also known as Os sphenoidale, is a cranial bone, shaped like a butterfly or a wasp, which occupies most of the middle part of the skull’s base, making up the middle region of the cranial fossa. Crammed between a group of bones in the frontal part of the cranium, it becomes one of the 8 bones that form the cranium. Sphenoid kemiği latince yazılışıyla birlikte kolayca izleyebileceğiniz bir video hazırladık.

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Antonyms for os sphenoidale. 2 synonyms for os sphenoidale: sphenoid, sphenoid bone. What are synonyms for os sphenoidale? Az ékcsont (Os sphenoidale) repülő denevérre vagy rovarra emlékeztető csont, amely a koponyaalap központi részét képezi; innen ered a neve is (közbeékelt). Az agykoponya részét alkotja és elülső felszínei és lefelé irányuló nyúlványai révén az arckoponyának is alkotórésze. Os sphenoidale (Keilbein) Das Keilbein trägt zur Schädelbasis bei und weist wichtige Durchtrittsstellen auf. Lies alles über Clivus, Sella turcica, Sinus sphenoidalis und mehr!

Synonyymi os sphenoidale sanalle. Synonyymit.fi, ilmainen synonyymisanakirja netissä. Dec 26, 2016 - Explore Manasseh Shola's board "os sp" on Pinterest.

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Please sign in to add 2019-02-15 2017-09-15 Start studying Os sphenoidale. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Definitions and Meaning of os sphenoidale in English os sphenoidale noun.

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Lårben (femur). 4. Skenben (tibia).

Os sphenoidale

Synonyms for sphenoid (bone) in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for sphenoid (bone). 2 synonyms for os sphenoidale: sphenoid, sphenoid bone. What are synonyms for sphenoid (bone)? What os sphenoidale means in Tamil, os sphenoidale meaning in Tamil, os sphenoidale definition, explanation, pronunciations and examples of os sphenoidale in Tamil. Also see: os sphenoidale in Hindi.
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Nackbenet. Os occipitale.

It is situated in the middle of the skull towards the front, in front of the basilar part of the occipital bone. The sphenoid bone is one of the seven bones that articulate to form the orbit. Start studying Os sphenoidale. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
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Os sphenoidale på svenska - Latin - Svenska Ordbok Glosbe

Oktober 2011. Das Keilbein liegt an der Schädelbasis zwischen dem Stirnbein (Os frontale) und dem Hinterhauptbein  Het zeefbeen (os ethmoidale) ligt pal achter het voorhoofdsbeen en bestaat uit verschillende delen, waarvan de meeste de neusholte vormen. Het wiggebeen ( os  Os sfenoidale.

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Translation for: 'os sphenoidale' in English->Czech dictionary.

It is situated in the middle of the skull towards the front, in front of the basilar part of the occipital bone.