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There's no need to switch Curated profile of Louise Barnekow, Chief Product Officer, Mynewsdesk including career history, news and intelligence, portfolio companies and investments. クラウドでかんたんスマートにPR配信。PR業務の効率化と、配信リーチの拡大 。業務を増やさずにMynewsdeskでグローバルPRを実現. Founded in 2003, it is a leading pioneer in the market. The brief.
Mynewsdesk enables businesses to engage with journalists, influencers, customers and other important stakeholders. The all-in-one PR platform makes it easy to create and distribute stories, monitor what's being said in the industry and the media as well as track and measure results. MyNewsdesk has 173 employees across 14 locations.
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Gå till Comfort Hotels nyhetsrum. Gå till Quality Hotel™s nyhetsrum. Drivs av Mynewsdesk Pressrummet visas både på Mynewsdesk och på kommunens egen webbplats, I pressrummet finns också Bedrift. Link til Clarion Hotels presserom. Link til Comfort Hotels presserom.
Mynewsdesk - tell your story with your newsroom
Mynewsdesk is an all-in-one brand newsroom and multimedia public relations (PR) platform, where companies can set up newsrooms to publish and distribute their content, simultaneously publishing it on social media or embed the newsroom to their own site. Hur hanterar Mynewsdesk GDPR? Vad gör jag om jag har glömt mitt lösenord?
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Vallentunas vision: "Med mod att gå före skapar vi ett Vallentuna där människor och idéer växer". About Mynewsdesk.
Gå till Comfort Hotels nyhetsrum. Gå till Quality Hotel™s nyhetsrum. Drivs av Mynewsdesk
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Norwegian has been voted Europe’s Best Low-Cost airline by Skytrax for six consecutive years and won Airline Program of Den 25 maj 2018 trädde den nya europeiska dataskyddsförordningen GDPR i kraft.
Mynewsdesk - Nordic Choice
Mynewsdesk is a creative workplace where we make the most out of your talents and what you’re good at. Our high is in people and their development. Mynewsdesk is a place for you to grow, both Mynewsdesk is an all-in-one brand newsroom and multimedia public relations (PR) platform, where companies can set up newsrooms to publish and distribute their content, simultaneously publishing it on social media or embed the newsroom to their own site. What is Mynewsdesk?
Integrera ditt pressrum från Mynewsdesk på din webbsida. Tillhör du en av de tusentals företag eller organisationer som använder sig av Mynewsdesk? MyNewsDesk.